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Safety Trip Tips For Travelers

Safety Trip Tips For Travelers

Traveling can be a lot of fun. But especially in places foreign to you, there can be certain risks that might make your adventures unsafe. So here are some travel trip tips to help make your fun times safer.

1. Research before your go.

Search the Internet for travel advisories and the latest safety tips from state organizations and other top sites that turn up in your favorite search engines like:


Check to see if there are any sickness reports, travelers alerts and other concerns you should be familiar with before leaving home. Then check maps,, to make sure of your travel route and the best way to get there. A travel agency like AAA (Automobile Association of America) can help plan routes for you, checking road construction along the way and any detours.

2. Use the buddy system.

Try not to travel alone, when possible, so that you have a safe friend along and you can both keep an eye out for each other. If you do travel alone, leave your itinerary with a trusted family member or friend and have that person make sure you check in upon your return.

And when you travel, lock your vehicle and accommodations doors, stashing your valuables in the hotel or ship safe when you have the option to do so. Don t leave cash lying around and remain accountable; i.e. don t get so drunk that you don t have control over your senses and environment.

3. Be prepared, like the Boy Scouts!

Plan ahead for emergencies and bring a light first aid kit, prescription medications for those traveling with you, and any over-the-counter items you may need like Pepto-Bismol, anti-diarrhea liquid or tablets, pain killer, anti-itch cream, sunscreen. It s no fun to get something like diarrhea while you re out in the jungle far away from any drugstore or convenience store. So plan and bring items you may need.

4. Check out your accommodations!

Ask for digital photos of your accommodations and the surrounding area, if possible, before your commit to staying in the place of choice. Because some places paint beautiful pictures of the area, then when you arrive, you may find you re in the worst part of town in a dirty, roach-invested hole. So ask about the area, get travel brochures and check around. If there are no photos, if may be well worth an extra $10-20 per night to stay elsewhere in a place that does have photos to show off the accommodations.