There have always been individuals who want to find the best deals on large purchases. Some of those people are willing to travel great distances to get them. And why not, after all money is not easy to come by if you are one of us who works honestly for it. You can find cheaper prices in different areas of the country on some items if you are willing to put out the effort.
Years ago you were able to go to Detroit and purchase a new car from the factory. You were able to save some dealer cost, shipping cost, and experience a pleasant trip to Detroit. I know a few people who use to do this.
Shopping for RVs can be very frustrating, or it can be very fun. If you enjoy the hunt , then you can have a lot of fun. If you have very little patience, then you had better go to the nearest dealer and pay the asking price.
Shopping for RV sales online is a very good place to start. You can quickly see what is available. This will give you an understanding of options, accessories, and price ranges. I do not recommend purchasing a unit online, but it is a great place to start.
If you are interested in buying a used vehicle, there are online auction sites, but there again; I would want to physically inspect the unit before bidding on it. Trader magazines are good places to find used RVs as well as the local newspaper with the RV For Sale Must Sell ad. One must be very careful when buying a used RV. It can end up costing you as much as a new vehicle if you overlook some faulty details.
Can you find RVs cheaper in different areas of the country? One would think that RV sales in Florida might be cheaper because there are a lot of people who spend the winter months there in them. One would think that you might find RVs priced cheaper in areas where they are built.
I checked on the internet for RV sales Arizona, RV sales California, RV sales Texas, RV sales in New England, and South Carolina RV sales. They were all surprisingly very close with their prices. There was not a big enough difference to warrant traveling very far for a better deal.
I have found that the best deals can be found at a trade show. Each year most major cities book their convention center with an RV and sports show of some type. These trade shows usually last several days. Plan on visiting the show on one of the first days that the event is booked for. Browse the displays, pick up business cards, make notes, and establishing a relationship with the sales people. Select the vendors that you are attracted to and revisit them to talk further.
On the last day of the RV show, the sales people have not been successful and are willing to make any deal, or they are pumped up with success so much that they are a soft touch. Either way, if they can make a sale and not have to transport a unit back to the dealership, they are more than willing. I have had more success at finding bargains this way than any way else.