There is nothing trite or dull about Barcelona. In Barcelona, the dresses are brighter, the art more dramatic, the language more colorful, and the gestures more emphatic. The restaurants in Barcelona offer great food at modest prices. The nightlife never stops, and remarkable sights and sounds litter the streets like stones. Best of all, there is a wide range of Barcelona accommodations for backpackers and posh travelers alike.
Depending on your needs and budget, here are some types of Barcelona accommodations to choose from.
Hotels: Choose a list of hotels and motels online or from hotel listings in telephone directories. High-end Barcelona accommodations include 5-star and 4-star hotels, as well as 3-star hotels that offer 4-star services and amenities.
Bedsits and Studio Apartments: These are single-room Barcelona accommodations. They come with a private bathroom and a small kitchen. If you prefer to spend your vacation in solitude, with no desire to cook for friends or entertain guests, this arrangement is perfect for you.
Flats and Apartments: This type of Barcelona accommodation features up to two bedrooms, a living room, a private bathroom, and a small kitchen. If you have a single flatmate in mind and can afford a higher rent, this is a good option for you.
Houses: Barcelona houses are a 5-bedroom affair. They are perfect for you if you’re staying with a large group, if you love to entertain, or if you don’t mind sharing living space with several others.
Once you’ve decided which type of rented Barcelona accommodation to go for, make sure that you inquire about the following:
1. Affordability of rent: Check your budget and see if the Barcelona accommodation you have in mind is within your financial means to pay.
2. Parking space and transportation routes: If you have a car, check if there is ample parking space. If not, check the transportation routes available.
3. Proximity of shops, laundromats, and other facilities
4. Cleanliness and maintenance: To check on the cleanliness of the place, ask to see the health certificate to ensure cleanliness on the place.
5. Safety and security: Is your Barcelona accommodation nestled at a safe part of the city?
6. Amenities provided and the rules and regulations being enforced
In looking for a Barcelona accommodation, remember that old adage about doing something in haste and repenting in leisure. Evaluate your options carefully. Do not pay a deposit for the first Barcelona accommodation you find. Remember, the best things in life are those that are hardest to find.